Assassins - Ultimate CD Games Collection 4
Assassins 4 (1999)(Weird Science).iso
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-=* The Game *=-
©1996/1997 Dead Roo Software
Dead Roo Software takes no responsibility for any damage caused to
computer hardware, software or associated data, and any damage,
either physical or psychological, inflicted upon users of this
product by the product.
So There.
It's not our fault if you feel compelled to microwave the cat.
This program is freely distributable. Only a very very small fee for
disks or copying may be charged for this program. We mean it.
Welcome To TOADS.
I suppose you want an introductory story to set the scene or
something. Bleh. This isn't a film you know. This is just a bit of
mindless violence. But so you don't mistake it for a Jean-Claude Van
Damme film I should give you a little plot or is it a theme? I
In the early 1990's a commercial Australian television network which
will remain nameless produced a television series called Paradise
Beach. Paradise Beach was a soap opera. A truly atrocious soap
opera. It consisted mainly of tanned young people running around
sunny bits of Queensland.
No one imagined that a television program could kill. Not until
people started dropping dead in front of their TV's with a substance
very similar to Camembert cheese dribbling out of their ears and
noses. At first it was thought that advertising agencies had finally
gone too far but studies proved that Paradise Beach was literally
turning viewers brains into cheese.
It was well known that soap operas could cause small amounts of
brain damage in some people. A very small percentage of the
population could even be turned into gameshow hosts by Home And
Away. But actually killing people by turning their brains to cheese
was too horrible to imagine. So horrible that the Tasmanian dairy
industry went on strike. Something had to be done.
Something was done.
The Australian government with unusual public mindedness disposed of
Paradise Beach. The scripts, the sets, the filmed episodes even most
of the cast and crew (Except that dumb red haired chick who's now
in MediVac) were destroyed and the bits and pieces dumped in
swampland in the middle of nowhere.
Everyone thought it was over.
They were wrong.
Five years later something emerged from that swamp. Something grown
enourmous and deadly from the mutating toxins in the remains of
Paradise Beach. Something with a burning hatred for human beings.
It's up to you to save the world from marauding amphibians.
With a fast car and some well aimed rockets.
So. How's that for a story? Better than most I bet :]
TOADS was written in Blitz Basic 2 on an Amiga 1200 with 8Mb of
fast RAM and a 28Mhz 030 CPU. The graphics were drawn in
DeluxePaint 4 AGA.
Dead Roo Software consists of:
Andrew Kennan
I can be contacted at
63 Elswick street
Safety Bay 6169
Western Australia
If you like TOADS how about sending me a postcard or something
(beer, money etc). Feel free to tell me about any bugs, or ideas you
feel like sharing, or even your personal problems (I like a good
TOADS should run on any PAL Amiga with at least 1MB of Chip RAM and
a hard disk. The utility programs use the gadtools GUI library which
(I think) requires OS2.0 or higher.
However it might be a bit slow with just a 68000 CPU. The faster
your Amiga the better.
TOADS can't be run from floppy disk because,
- It won't fit on 1 disk and I can't be stuffed making it aware of
multiple disks.
- Floppy disks suck.
TOADS works just fine on my a1200 030/28MHz :]
To install TOADS simply copy the directory to where you want it.
Then copy the fonts/toad.font to your FONTS: directory.
Alternatively you could double click on the Install_TOADS icon.
To start TOADS just double click on the icon. After all the intro
rubbish is finished with you will be presented with a title screen.
From here you can decide what sort of sound you want during the
game, the controllers you want to use for the game, what levels you
want to play and whether you want a one or two player game.
SFX - Ribbits, splats, whooshes, booms and enginish noises.
Music - Errrm...music
None - The dull sound of silence
Joy 0 - Use a joy stick/pad/whatever in port 0 (The mouse port)
Joy 1 - Use a joy stick/pad/whatever in the port the mouse isn't
Keys - Use the arrow keys to move and the right shift key to
Choose a Game
Use the buttons with arrows on them to select which playlist you
want to play.
One Player - All by yourself eh? Well press this button for some
solo Toad squashing action. Then maybe go find some
Two Player - Much more fun. Now you can try and trash your mates as
well as the Toads.
Tip #1 Don't try to run over other cars unless you
have heaps more armour and energy than them. Use
Rockets instead.
When you have done all that a a description of the game you have
chosen will be displayed.
Right. Now You're ready to Choose Your Weapon.
In TOADS your weapon is your Car. It's pretty hard to kill a giant
Toad with a cricket bat while it's biting your leg off so you need a
turbo charged, armour plated, missile toting killing machine.
Preferably with nice paintwork because it's things like that which
can affect the resale value.
Each car has a number of attributes.
Velocity - Your cars top speed.
Acceleration - How quickly the car reaches it's top speed.
Braking - Useful when you need to stop.
Steering - How well your car turns.
Armour - The more armour you have the less damage you car will
sustain due to poor driving.
Rockets - Usefull things with a jet at one end and a big bomb at
the other end.
Nitros - A handy speed boost when you need to be somewhere else in
a hurry.
The screen is divided into two parts. On the left is player one's
stuff and on the right is player two. Use the buttons with arrows on
them to scroll through the available cars until you find one you
Pressing the button labelled "Name" will allow you to enter
your name. Press the Enter button when you have entered your name.
When you are happy with your choice of car and name press the Done
button at the bottom of the screen. When everyone has finished the
game will start.
Before each level begins a screen will be displayed showing the
name, description, time limit and kills required for that level.
The object of TOADS is - wait for it - to kill Toads. On each level
you have a time limit and a minimum number of Toads to kill within
that time limit.
The Toads will be hopping from the bottom of the screen to the top.
Simply drive your car around and run over them or fire rockets at
Pressing forwards or up will make the car accelerate
Back or down will make the car decelerate.
Left and right will rotate the car.
Pressing the fire button and up will fire a nitro (if you have
Pressing fire and down will fire a rocket if you have any.
(When using the keyboard the fire button is the right shift key)
Try not to run into anything besides Toads or the bonuses they
sometimes drop. Otherwise your car will be damaged. If your car
reaches 0% errm "Health" it will explode and it's Game Over man,
Game Over!
Rocket (in a little box) - Gives you an extra rocket.
Nitro (grey thing with an N on it) - An extra nitro.
Armour (Metal plate thing) - Better armour.
Steering (A steering wheel) - Improves your steering.
Acceleration (An Arrow getting bigger) - Better acceleration.
Braking (An arrow getting smaller) - Better braking.
Velocity (A little car) - Higher top speed.
Health (A big red heart) - Gives back some health.
Extra kills (A little Toad saying "OI") - Some extra kills.
If a Toad drops a little green circle with a red x on it stay away.
It's a mine. Hmmmm...maybe you didn't need to know that.
If the time limit expires and you haven't slaughtered enough Toads
you will be out of the game.
When the time limit runs out and you have killed the required number
of Toads (or even better, more Toads) you can go to the Toad Shop.
So, you've made it to the shop. Now it's time to turn that cruddy
Datsun into a real car.
For every Toad you kill you get $5 to spend at the Shop. You can
spend your money on velocity, acceleration, braking, steering,
armour, rockets, nitros and damage. Damage is how "healthy" your car
is. If that reaches 0% you are dead.
You can also make more money by selling (degrading) any of the
attributes of your car. So if you have lots of rockets but you need
more armour you can sell some rockets to buy extra armour. You
cannot sell Damage.
Click on the name of the attribute you want to buy or sell. The
button will be highlighted in red. Now you can use the buy or sell
buttons. Next to each attribute is it's cost. Pressing the buy
button once will deduct that amount from your money. Pressing Sell
will add that much to your money.
When you have finished with your car press the Done button to go on
to the next level.
It is quite easy to create your own cars to use in TOADS.
Creating The Graphics
To create a new car you must first draw the graphics for it
In the Cars/CustomPics drawer is an IFF picture called
CustomCar.iff. Load this file into a graphics editor such as
Remember: Don't alter the palette!
At the top of the form are 24 boxes. In these boxes you must draw
the animation frames for the car. Each frame should be rotated 15
degrees from the previous one. The top left box shouold be at 0
degrees (facing right), the box to the right should be 15 degrees,
the next one 30 degrees and so on. The second line of boxes should
start with a frame facing up (90 degrees).
Beneath the animation frames is a large box where you draw the
picture of the car to be shown in the car selection and shop
Under the car picture box is a smaller box where you draw a face to
associate with that car.
Now save the picture under a different name. DO NOT OVERWRITE THE
Now run the Car_Editor program. Click on the button labelled
"Process Form". A file requester will appear. Choose the file you
just saved your car into. If the form is valid another file
requester will appear asking you for the name you wish to save the
face picture as. Then you will be asked for the name of the large
picture file and then the car animation frames file.
Adding A Car
Now you have drawn the car you have to add it to the car list. The
list is stored in the file Cars/carlist. There are two ways you can
edit the file:
By Hand (The hard way)
Load the carlist file into you're favourite text editor. Each car
is defined within a block that begins with the line
New Car=<car name>
and ends with
End Car
anything outside a New Car/End Car block is ignored. Inside the
New Car/End Car block a number of keywords are used to define a
Face Pic= Name of the file that contains the face picture to use
Car Pic= Name of the file containing the large picture of the
Shapes File= Name of the file containing the animation frames
for the car.
You do not need to supply a path to the files. TOADS automatically
looks in the Cars drawer.
Max Velocity= A number between 0 and 127, the top speed of the
Acceleration= A number between 0 and 127, how fast the car
Braking= A number between 0 and 127, how quickly the car brakes
Steering= A number between 0 and 127, how well it turns
Armour= A number between 0 and 127, how tough the car is.
Nitros= A number between 0 and 127, # of nitros to start with.
Rockets= A number between 0 and 127, # of rockets to start with.
There must not be any spaces between the keyword and the "=" that
follows it. Also it's not a good idea to put spaces after the "="
either. However, whitespace is allowed anywhere else. Have a look
at the cars already there before making your own cars. Then save
the carlist and run TOADS
With The Car_Editor program (The easy way)
Run the Car_Editor program.
Beneath the list of cars is a button labelled "New". Click on this
button to create a new car. Select the car you have just created
in the list. Now you can change it's name, the files containing
it's graphics and the statistics of the car. When you're done
click on the "Save" button, quit the program and run TOADS.
Making your own levels to play in TOADS is pretty simple. Each level
consists of a map file and an iff picture. The levels are combined
together into playlists. The playlists are stored in the
Levels/playlist file.
Creating a map
Run the MapEd program.
Using the Block menu you can select a type of background to draw
with. Use the left mouse button to draw your level map. Choose
Save Map from the project menu. Choose a file name for your map.
For the sake of consistancy you should put a .map extension on the
file name. The map data will be saved under the file name you
provide and an iff picture of the map will be saved under the same
name but with .iff on the end.
Green blocks on the map represent grass.
Grey blocks are for roads.
Brown blocks are rocks.
Cyan blocks are slippery stuff. You should not put cyan blocks on
the edges of the map as they can play silly buggers with the cars.
Now load the iff picture into a graphics program. Use the areas of
colour as a guideline when adding details to the map.
Remember: Don't alter the palette!
If you use the MapEd program to edit a map which already has a
picture you will be asked if you want to overwrite the picture
when you save the map. This might not be a good idea if you have
just spent a couple hours refining your masterpiece.
Creating a new playlist
Levels must be in a playlist. To create a new playlist you can
Edit the playlist file by hand
Load the Levels/playlist file into your favourite text editor.
A playlist is enclosed within a block that begins with
New Playlist=<name>
and ends with
End Playlist
Anything outside the New Playlist/End Playlist block is ignored.
The name of your playlist should be less than about 12
Inside the playlist you can use the following keywords
Description=<description of playlist>
New Level=<name of level>
End Level
The description should be no more than about 200 characters.
Inside the New Level/End Level block you can use the following
Map Name=<name of map file>
Pic Name=<name of background picture>
Map Desc=<description. (less than 40 characters)>
Time=<Time limit in seconds>
Minimum Kills=<minimum number of toads to kill>
Maximum Toads=<number of toads allowed on screen>
Player 1 X=<player 1 start X coordinate in pixels>
Player 1 Y=<player 1 start Y coordinate in pixels>
Player 2 X=<player 2 start X>
Player 2 Y=<player 2 start Y>
Clock X=<clock X coordinate>
Clock Y=<clock Y coordinate>
Chance Of Bomb=<% of items dropped by Toads that are mines>
The Maximum Toads attribute can be used to make the game more
or less difficult. Also on slower machines you may have to
reduce the number of Toads on screen to speed up the game.
You should try not to make a level impossible, eg 100 kills in
30 seconds is asking a bit too much. As a rough guide, 100 Toads
will hop up the screen in 40 seconds if only 6 can be on the
screen at any one time.
Or use the Playlist_Ed program.
On the left of the window is a list of playlists, to the right
of this is a list of levels in the currently selected playlist.
If you read the above section most of the buttons should be
pretty self explanatory :]
Once you have created your levels and playlist you can run TOADS and
play them.